No Schedule, No Expectations

Berries 1

Adam took Scout for a walk in the woods this morning and encountered a swarm of horseflies reminiscent of an unearthed bees nest. It’s a hot and muggy one out there, to say the least. The horseflies are very happy and hungry. On the bright side, who needs a sauna when you have… well… life! It will begin to shape up again mid-August, with the promise of cool evening breezes and crisp mornings. Soon.

Emily and I are going to hit the road in a few weeks for a little adventure. We’ll throw backpacks and tents in the car and drive north. There will be some time up on our land, but the real point of the trip is to visit some of our old haunts before we settle in place in the Northeast Kingdom. Sure, we’ll always venture out to our favorite trails and forests across the state, but with the wanderlust fading, we feel like a trip in the spirit of “how things used to be” is in order.  

Adventuring throughout the state of Vermont is our family story. It holds the greatest number of memories, and the most beautiful experiences. And while I don’t see the adventure coming to an end, it is indeed changing. Now, there is a piece of earth with our name on it. The wandering and searching and dreaming phase to the journey is winding down, and the creating place chapter has begun. Lately I’ve been feeling the need for one last hurrah. And so, we’re packing the car and planning to get lost for awhile. No schedule, no expectations.  

We are closing in on Birdy’s move to our land, the outhouse is being built and will be in place in just a few weeks, and the hot shower I can’t seem to stop talking about is designed and ready to rig up. And then… a small cabin. Which may not happen before the snow flies, but then again, maybe it will. It sure would be great if it did, so I’m definitely staying open to the possibility. I think if it comes down to available time though (which it always seems to come down to these days), I’d prefer to use our time to ready the land for spring planting and save the cabin for next year. But man it sure would be great to head up during the winter and settle in for a stretch of snowy days. Until then, we camp. Spontaneously throughout the state at first, then we’ll put down roots at our place. It's still all about patience, but then again, it's been about patience for the last twenty years. Why change it up now? We're just getting good at it.