The photos in this post are samples from last year's kitchen tour participants. I love working everyone's words and photos into a pretty design/layout. Imagine how amazing they would look if I actually knew what I was doing!
The concept of Whole Food Kitchen Tours, or, perhaps even more specifically, Kitchen Stories, would make an incredible book. Totally big and heavy and gorgeous with lots of pages and color photos. It would be the only coffee table book we'd ever need! A collection of stories and photos to pick up and peruse whenever our own kitchen spirits could use a breath of fresh air. I've probably mentioned this book idea before. It's something that has been on my mind for years now, but seems like the creation of it would be an incredible labor of love that I haven't been able to make the time for. I'm going to be one busy retired lady.
Thank you for all of your kitchen tour submissions! Truly, there is no wrong way to share your kitchen – they were all perfect! Just as it played out last year, what it came down to in the decision process was simple diversity. So, we'll be represented by an off-grid kitchen, a non-American kitchen, a single professional's kitchen, and a farmer's kitchen. You will love each of them.
I have already contacted those people and wanted to extend my gratitude to all of you who submitted. There were dozens and dozens of you that sent me photos and words at a moments notice, which honestly impressed the heck out of me. You people work fast! Can you imagine all of this pulled into one book? I'm telling you… I'm not much for bucket lists… but I think this idea might be on mine. Not because our kitchens are perfect and organized and every dinner sees a well balanced meal that includes multi-step recipes, but because sometimes it can feel that way, but sometimes it also just feels like a comforting bowl of roasted carrots with a big brownie (raises hand). And you know what, that's pretty darn nourishing, too.
To those of you who have not heard from me yet, keep an eye on your inbox toward the end of next week for a little thank you gift, I am ever so thankful for your submission. And please know that I'll be calling each of you if I can ever bring this book idea into the world. Seriously, we're onto something. Now let's all go make those brownies I linked to, they're amazing.