Whole Food Freezer Cooking :: Self-Paced Online Workshop

Whole Food Freezer Cooking has quickly become one of my most popular workshops, and today I'm releasing it in full as a ready to go, self-paced program. Perfect for those of you who've not been able to join the live sessions in the past!

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Freezers are often considered to be the most underutilized appliance or tool in the modern kitchen. We all have them, yet few of us use them to their full potential. Whether your freezer is large or small, we all have some room to store a few homemade meals, prepared in advance, that will be ready and waiting to provide nourishment during busy times. Or, if you’re like me, times when the family chef would simply like a night off.

The recipes in Whole Food Freezer Cooking place an emphasis on fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes, high quality meat and dairy, healthy fats, and plenty of herbs and spices. Most of the recipes are naturally gluten free, and many are vegetarian or can easily be made so. While this is not an exclusively Paleo, Vegan, or Gluten-Free program, we've had participants who lean toward these diets take the class and found plenty of the recipes work for them as is, or with a few substitutions. 

This ready to go, self-paced workshop is divided into six very full classes, each containing an extensive ebook, as well as video demonstrations.

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Essential Details:

  • six very full classes
  • beautifully designed recipe ebooks for each class, easy to download and keep forever
  • printable sheets for recipe/menu planning and freezer organization
  • dozens of delicious recipes 
  • email support if you have questions
  • informative and encouraging video cooking classes
  • self-paced – you do not need to be in class at a specific time
  • permanent access to the website (save your passwords!)

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The Six Classes Within the Workshop:

  1. Dinner Hour :: A bit of advance work sets you up for incredible peace of mind throughout the week.
  2. Single Serving Meals :: Whether it’s for the lunch box, travel, or a weeknight dinner for one, learning to prepare a variety of homemade “TV dinners” is a tremendous time and money saver.
  3. Breakfast Just Got Interesting (and easy!) :: So many of us are heading out the door each morning. Meals that are easy to prepare, with the benefit of rich homemade flavor, beats a bagel at the coffee shop any day.
  4. Soups & Stews  :: A classic freezer meal! Surely we couldn’t forget about some of the best soups and stews that are suitable for freezing.
  5. Meal Starters & Organizational Methods  :: Learn to prep single ingredients, or simple combinations of ingredients, to store as meal starters. In this class we’ll also cover tips and methods to plan your freezer cooking day(s) and how to stay organized while doing so.
  6. Snacks & Desserts :: Because what is better than a sweet treat or nourishing snack tucked away in the freezer? So great to have on hand when company stops by, or a last minute invitation to head to the park for the afternoon.

A few sample pages:

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Whole foods, lots of inspiration, support as you need it. That is my focus.

It's going to be fun! And it's all ready and waiting for you right now!


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I hope to see you in the workshop!


If you've taken workshops with me in the past, you might be familiar with my early bird "bring a friend" offer. This self-paced program doesn't easily lend itself to something like that, so I am releasing this with my very best price right out of the gate. Thank you!

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