I'm feeling pretty darn relaxed this morning. Even though at some point this weekend I might have been heard saying, “It must be July, I’m covered in poison ivy, I have dozens of bug bites, and laundry can hang on the line for seven hours and still be wet.” Ahh… summer! I’m keeping my (itchy) chin up though, and we’re having a great time. The garden is going crazy, and we just had an unexpected mini-staycation with Adam turning a three day weekend into a four day weekend, and me arranging my work to join him. Emily was not scheduled at her job either, so we decided to create a little retreat here at home.
With a fresh stack of movies and books from the library, a new knitting project, and plenty of good food on hand, we cast aside the clock and calendar for four ridiculously relaxed days. We moseyed about in the garden, had a few campfires, and even made a 6am supply run for Birdy’s makeover. Because if you no longer have a local lumberyard and have no choice but the big box store for lumber and such, it is best experienced at the crack of dawn when you have the place to yourself.
At one point Adam and I were sitting on the front porch talking about how some veggies and dip would be the perfect compliment to our porch sit. I knew we had sour cream in the fridge, other than that, we decided to take a walk to the garden and see what we could come up with. Green beans, celery, carrots… perfect! Although I was left wondering why on earth I only planted shelling peas and not some sugar snap too. For the dip – dill, chives, and freshly dug garlic. Herbs chopped and added to the sour cream with some sea salt and black pepper, veggies cut up and stacked in a bowl. We let the dip sit for thirty minutes, allowing the flavors to mingle and marry, then we dug in. Oh man, was it good. We even had some non-gmo free range humanely raised potato chips to go with it, but all agreed they were basically a sad interruption in our garden crudite experience. I think I’ve found our new favorite easy summer dinner. Just need to buy the sour cream, everything else can be found in the soil. And once again, I am reminded of how a cow would round this whole thing out for us quite nicely. Maybe in Vermont.
Today we’re easing back into our regular work and life routine, but with the renewed sense of creativity and discipline that comes from true time off. True rest. I’m thinking a four day weekend once per month is something we should strive for, it feels a heck of a lot more restorative than a 1-2 week vacation, once per year. And it would always be right around the corner so you always have it in sight. Even if you are someone that is blessed to love the work that you do, regular time to chill and renew the body and spirit is good medicine. And couldn’t we all use some good medicine?
Before I go, one more picture so you don't think we spent four days drinking beer and eating great food…
See? I had other priorities, too.
Wishing you a great week, and may a little good medicine find its way to you.